L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs

L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs


Office of Student Success

Attentive students
Attentive students

Programming for your future

Prepare for and support your career in government and public affairs.

Office of Student Success

The Wilder School connects students from day one to make sure they have the resources they need to succeed. The Wilder School Office of Student Success provides student engagement and student success activities and opportunities for experiential learning that foster career development and academic excellence for Wilder School students.

We support internshipsfellowshipsscholarships, career opportunities, and outreach for partnerships within the government and public affairs professional community.

Make an appointment

Students may request a student success coaching appointment through the myVCU portal to plan, search, prepare for, and apply to professional, internship, and volunteer opportunities. OSS team members' availability will be listed in the online portal. If you have issues accessing the portal or need assistance, please  email wsinternship@vcu.edu 

Featured Programming

We provide a range of professional workshops and employer engagement opportunities to help you as you build your professional brand. Be sure to check back often for additions!  

View all upcoming events using the Wilder School Student Calendar on our Wilder School Student Resource Site! 

Wilder School Student Resources Site

This is a one-stop resource page for multiple student resources and documents specific to Wilder School undergraduate, graduate and prospective students.  

Featured Internships and Jobs

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Check out additional opportunities using VCU Resources: Handshake, Student Opportunity Center, and Parker Dewey



Office of Student Success